a white logo with a circle in the middle on a white background .






  • School Supply List

    PK through 5th Grade Supply List

    This file is listed in the Adobe PDF format. 

    Watch for sales and have a great year

  • Sale on Past Editions of the Amherst School Year Book

    Limited quantities are available.

    Past editions of the Growl year book are available for $10. Shipping and Handling is $5 or you can pick it up at the school. These years are still available: 

    1967 1985 1995* 2000 2005 

    1970 1986 1996 2001 2006 

    1976 1988 1997 2002 2007 

    1980 1990 1998 2003 2008 

    1983 1994* 1999 2004 2009 

    2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

    2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

    (* Denotes years Amherst won the Sixman Football State Championship) 

    2017 yearbooks are available for $25. 

    Call to pre-order your 2019 yearbook. 

    If you would like to have one contact Mrs. Meir @ 806-246-7729 or sbaker@esc17.net. 

    Supplies are limited.

  • Refusal of Entry to or Ejection of an Individual from District Property

  • Job Opportunities

    If interested in applying please pick up your application in the Superintendent’s office at 100 North Main, Amherst, Texas. For more information call the number listed below.

    Subsitute Teacher

    Please submit cover letter, resume, and application by U. S. Mail, Fax, or by E Mail to: jgonzales@esc17.net 

    (Please put Job Application in the Subject line.)

    Teaching Positions- None

    Please submit cover letter, resume, and application by U. S. Mail, Fax, or by E Mail to: jgonzales@esc17.net 

    (Please put Job Application in the Subject line.)


    Jose Gonzales



    Fax: 806-246-3494

    100 North Main Street

    P.O. Box 248

    Amherst, Texas 79312

a group of young people are posing for a picture in front of a blue building .
a group of people walking in a field with the words " the boys of fall " above them
a group of cheerleaders are standing in a field at sunset .





Our mission is to strategically provide a well-rounded educational program, in cooperation with parents, to our students using the most effective pedagogical approaches that intertwine the higher order thinking skills, University Interscholastic League (UIL) academic and athletic events, vocational events, and other appropriate activities as deemed important by the educators and community, in an up-to-date technological and highly disciplined, yet comfortable educational setting where students are free to express themselves and to be creative. The students will be the center focus of the school and community, and all educational decisions will revolve around the best interest of the students.





Our vision is to provide the students and/or citizens, young or old in our community with the basic knowledge and essential attitudes, skills and values which deem necessary to function in the ever-changing social, economic, technological, and political environment that we call the United States of America.  Since the individual is so important in our society, the Amherst I.S.D. shall strive to encourage the individual to develop socially, mentally, physically, and morally, and to help him to establish and to pursue his special goals and to expand his special talents for the mutual satisfaction of both the individual and society.

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