100 North Main Street
PO Box 248
Amherst TX 79312
Phone 806-246-3221
Fax 806-246-3494
State of Texas Date given Employee__5-14-2015
County of Lamb Date returned by Employee_5-28-15
hereby employs the undersigned professional Employee, JOEL RODGERS,
and Employee accepts employment on the following terms and conditions:
1. Employee shall be employed on a 12 month basis for 3 years, beginning in 2015-2016, and ending in 2018-2019 according to the hours and dates set by the District as they exist or may hereafter be amended.
2. The Board shall pay Employee in twelve installments an annual salary according to the compensation plan adopted by the Board. Employee’s salary includes consideration for any assigned duties, responsibilities, and tasks, except as provided in the District’s supplemental duty schedule.
3. This contract does not cover assignments of or payments for supplemental duties. Any such payments are not included as part of the annual salary under this contract. This contract does not create a property right to continued employment in any supplemental duty.
4. Employee shall be subject to assignment and reassignment of positions or duties, changed in responsibilities or work, transfers, or reclassification at any time during the contract term.
5. Employee shall comply with, and be subject to, state and federal law and District policies, rules, regulations, and administrative directives as they exist or may hereafter be amended. Employee shall faithfully perform to the satisfaction of the District all duties set forth in the job description or as assigned.
6. This contract is conditioned on Employee’s satisfactorily providing the certification, service records, teaching credentials, and other records and information required by law, the Texas Education Agency, the State Board for Educator Certification, the State Board of Education, or the District. Failure of Employee to maintain certification in the position (s) assigned may be grounds for discharge. False statements, misrepresentations, omissions of requested information, or fraud by Employee in or concerning any required records or in the employment application may be grounds for discharge. Employee hereby represents that he/she has made written disclosure to the District of any conviction for a felony or an offense involving moral turpitude.
7. Employee shall satisfactorily submit or account for all grades, reports, school equipment, or other required items at the end of the contract term. Employee agrees that the last salary payment under this contract is conditioned upon receipt from Employee of all such items.
8. In accordance with Texas Education Code, Chapter 21, Subchapters E and F, the Board may terminate this contract and discharge Employee without pay during the term of this contract for good cause as determined by the Board. A suspension without pay may not extend beyond the end of the school year.
9. The Board may terminate this contract and discharge Employee during the term of the contract if it determines that a financial exigency required a reduction in personnel. Financial exigency, as used herein, means any event or occurrence that creates a need for the district to reduce financial expenditures for personnel including, but not limited to, a decline in the Board’s financial resources, a decline in enrollment, a cut in funding, a decline in tax revenues, or an unanticipated expense or capital need.
10. A determination by the Board that a program change requires that the contract of Employee be terminated during the contract term constitutes good cause for discharge. Program change, as used herein, means any elimination, curtailment, or reorganization of a curriculum offering, program, or school operation. Program change includes, but not limited to, a change in curriculum objectives, a modification or reorganization of staffing patterns on a particular campus or district-wide, a redirection of financial resources to meet the educational needs of the students, a lack of student response to a particular course offering, legislative revisions to programs, or a reorganization or consolidation of two or more individual schools or school districts.
11. Employment in federally or categorically funded positions is expressly conditioned upon the availability of full funding for the position.
12. The board has not adopted any policy, rule, regulation, law, or practice providing for tenure. No right of tenure nor any other contractual obligation, other expectancy of continued employment, or claim of entitlement is created beyond the contract term.
13. Renewal or non-renewal of this contract shall be in accordance with state law, Texas Education Code, Chapter 21, Subchapter E, and Board policy.
14. Employee may be released from this contract only in accordance with Texas Education Code 21.210 or with district approval, pursuant to local policy. Upon such release, the Board shall continue to make regular payroll disbursements to Employee until any due and owing salary amount is fully paid.
15. With Employee’s consent, the Board may substitute and supersede this contract by issuing a new contract, beginning prior to the end of this contract term, thereby extending the employment term. Such an action shall have the effect of extinguishing this contract and replacing it with an entirely new contract. Failure to extend shall not constitute non-renewal.
16. This contract is subject to all applicable federal and state laws, rules, and regulations. Invalidity of any portion of this contract under the laws of the State of Texas or of the United States shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the contract.
17. This contract combines and supersedes all prior agreements and representations concerning employment. No amendments to this contract shall be binding unless reduced to writing and signed by both parties.
18. This offer of employment for the 2015-2018 school year shall expire unless contract is signed and returned to the Superintendent on or before MAY 28, 2007. Failure to return the signed contract by this date shall constitute a rejection of the employment offer and current employment, if any, shall terminate at the end of the existing contract term.
I have read this contract and agree to abide by its terms and conditions:
Amherst School District
Joel W. Rodgers___________________May. 28, 2015
Employee Date
Ronnie Schroeder_______________June, 11 2015
President, Board of Trustees Date
100 North Main Street
P.O. Box 248
Amherst, Texas 79312
Phone 806-246-3221
Fax 806-246-3494